
For all appointments and enquiries, call 08 6389 0244

We are open Monday to Friday (except Holidays) between 0900 to 1600 hours. As a Specialist clinic, patients need a referral from their General Practitioner, family physician or other doctor to be eligible for a rebate from Medicare.

Do you need a referral to make an appointment?

As specialists we can only review patients who have a formal written referral. Without this letter you cannot reclaim your Medicare benefit. Please ensure you have this letter, or that your General Practitioner or other specialist has sent the referral.

What should you bring when you come for a scheduled appointment in the rooms?

We need:

  • If this is the initial appointment we need a referral letter from your General Practitioner or other specialist

  • If this is a follow-up appointment we will not need a new referral letter unless the original referral has lapsed - this is 12 months if the original referral was from your General Practitioner and three months if the original referral was from other specialist. We will advise you if a new referral is required.

  • Your Medicare card

  • Your Health Fund information

  • Proof of Covid vaccination (or valid exemption)

  • All pertinent x-ray reports and test results from your General Practitioner or other specialist

  • A list of all the medications that you are currently taking

  • A list of any known drug allergies and the symptoms you may have from taking these medicines

  • If you have had surgery or a colonoscopy elsewhere, please bring a copy of your operation report.

  • You are welcome to bring a family member or friend.

To cancel an appointment

Please let us know if you cannot make your appointment. We can then arrange for another patient to be seen. The earlier you cancel your appointment the more notice we can provide to another patient.

Ideally you should ring the office during business hours so we can arrange an alternative time. Alternatively, please leave a message on the answering machine or fax or email us.

We make every effort to run on time. Your time is as valuable as mine. As you can imagine emergencies can occasionally occur and we apologise if this does occur. Our secretaries will advise you and up date you should this happen.

What should you expect during your first visit?

During your initial visit you will need to provide a complete medical history. You will need to undergo an appropriate examination. Patients who present with bowel and anal problems will normally require this examination to include a detailed assessment using a sigmoidoscope and proctoscope.

Some patients with minor conditions will be treated during this initial consultation. Other patients may require more detailed investigations. These will be arranged and the results will be discussed at a subsequent visit.

If you require surgery, the options will be explained to you. This will include the expected results and any associated risks or potential complications. For many operations we have specific information sheets and this will be provided and discussed with you.

Are your medical records kept private and confidential?

Your medical file is handled with the utmost respect for your privacy. All our staff are bound by strict confidentiality requirements as a condition of their employment. Unless compelled by law we will not release the contents of your medical file without your specific, written consent.


Hollywood Consulting Centre directions.